Strawberry -But God Period cap
Strawberry -But God Period cap
Many times in our lives God allows certain things to happen so that His plan and purpose can be manifested in the earth. Joseph was sold into slavery by His brothers but God used this very situation to position Joseph right where He needed to be so that His purpose could be fulfilled in the earth. In Genesis 50:20 Joseph made a profound statement to his brothers after being sold into slavery Genesis 50:20 says "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people." BUT GOD.... used the enemy's plan that was intended to work against Joseph to serve as a breeding ground to produce His purpose. Â RE-Present your Faith with this BUT GOD Strawberry color scheme ( Red and Pink).Who said we cannot be fashionably full of Faith!!!
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Lift Him up Apparel: is a Clothing Brand designed to Spread the Gospel about Jesus Christ and to remind the Believer of Who they are in Christ. I Believe we must Rep our Faith, Wear our Faith, and share our Faith